Sunday, August 13, 2006

a black ferrari!i caught it when i was walking home from the bus stop.pretty car(:

this morning's make up cell was great(:we talked about the love of God.and today's sermon is about the role of a man in marriage.i suddenly miss everybody when i went to church this morning cuz i didn't see them the whole of last week!! oh yar. i told ade and vicks about what i had last night that made me feel so joyful, so full of the love of God.((: ade asked when am i going to move on in this area?hah. oh!oh! THANK YOU VICTOR!! and thanks for the postcard bro.(:

my first love,
forever You will be
my first breath,
You're the life in me
my first joy,
the world can never take from me
my covenant with You,

the song is called first, i can only remember the chorus for now, it's a beautiful song.(:
i will continue with those six lines soon when i get inspiration. i can clearly remembered what happened.
-reading zoe's blog.
-tears came.
-off monitor and spoke to God
-a song of love just came and flow through me.
-the feeling of joy and love.
WOAH. Never have i experienced something like that before!!

4 tests coming up. chem spa trial,maths lecture test,compre,econs assessment.(tue, wed, thur, sat)
rely on God's strength!(: