Thursday, December 21, 2006

hello!i haven't blogged here for a week. haha. im still not back yet, but i really really want to go back soon. next fri will be helping my mum to play the piano accompaniment because her friend asked her to be a demo for her friend's vocal lecture.(:

lord i just want to thank you for this chance for me to shine for you. i thank you for creating this opportunity for me and i know that whatever you do, there will be a purpose for me. and i believe that i will be able to shine and to glorify you my lord(:

the piece is called Mignon's Song- Lied Der Mignon composed by Schubert. the lyrics go..
None but the heart forlorn
such sorrow knoweth,
knoweth the burden borne,
none other shareth.

Alone by anguish torn,
with hopes that wither,
i fear each day,
and fear each wind that bloweth.

Gone, he who held me dear,
Gonenone knows whither!

A burning pain has
worn my life and blighted
the spring in me,
the morn of youth benighted.

none but a heart forlorn
such sorrow knoweth,
knoweth the burden borne,
none other shareth.

beautiful lyrics(: talking about lyrics, i still have yet to finalised the lyrics with roy for untitled.oh man. hah>.< anyway, christmas is round the corner!(: shop for your presents! lol(:

Friday, December 15, 2006

hey guys(: last night i was really really tired due to the rehearsal and we ended up standing for a long time.everyone was tired i guess. we took lots of photos! with westlife poster, fei yu qing poster. LOL. i like the photo that i took w olivia, louis and zhiyi(: i'll post it here soon, most probably after i'm back. ning's off to bintan, i'm looking forward to see her EVEN TAN! lol. this holiday was packed with choir pracs. -shakes head.

tonight is thenight. all the best everyone. sadly, there'll be no transport back to school. hah.oh well.
lunch at 445 later!(: YUPPIES. alrights. i gtg now, need to continue packing my bag. i may blog when i'm over there, so stay tune!(:

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

yesterday finally got to go out, i'm not saying that i didn't go out but this holiday is really packed with lots of practices that i hardly got to watch a movie. and i did yesterday.the story line is quite nice, but the ending was not that good. anyway, had pasta mania and noodle omelette for lunch and dinner respectively.

oh ya, i went to see the doctor yesterday at east wood.i think this photo is quite nice(: but before i forget, before i got out of my house, i saw this BIG thing in the kitchen's sink..YUCKS!i wanted to wash my cup but when i saw it, i gasped and took a few steps back. hah. it's SO HUGE. my gosh>.<

monday went to school for sectionals and both of us went off to tamp and then tanjong pagar. it was topshop day! lol.that's me and jil at temasek tower, waiting for ks to knock off. lol. i had fun that night. the oyako don was yummy. but both of us took off all the skin of the chicken. it's quite gross.>.<

There's sco tonight, thursday and friday. and then after which, i'll be flying off to hong kong until the 30th. I won't be here for christmas=( and i won't be here on the 19th.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

oh my gosh! ADLIN IS BACK!!!:D
im back from malacca!(: we didn't sing that well though, but let's work hard together okay?(: tpjchoir can rise to the occasion! below are just some photos that i took.(:
the view from my apartment window. it's called water city resort. hah.

choir photo after the first night. can you spot mrs koh and mr tan?!(:

ding n ks in their apartment.i took it!(:

woohoo! a surprise gift from bowen after their performance on the 3rd night!(: i really didn't expect this, thanks! i think they are wonderful kids.(: at ma-kol-ta on thursday morning, i was with ks n ding, and we were walking around, looking for things to buy, and we saw 4 bowen ppl. this girl saw me, and she was whispering to 3 of her other friends "eh eh!!valerie valerie!" the thing is that her whisper was loud enough for me to hear. lol.(:

and finally, the last pic of today, is my wonderful partner, AI PING! i just want to say thanks for working together with me to make things possible(: and let's continue to cooperate with each other, and also to use the things that we've both learnt at the workshop to improve on the choir ya?!(: iron woman loves you(:

so yups! that's about it i guess. ai ping and i had talked to nelson on what to focus on in choir after he had heard us on wed night. so jiayou everyone!don't give up ya. by the way, the syf set piece is out! i think it'll be distributed to you guys soon.sco prac to night, 7-10pm at SCH, for sops, sectionals at 2.30pm to finish up with fei tian. see ya!(:

Sunday, December 03, 2006

alright guys, im off to malacca tmr until thursday. seeya!(:

Lord, i love You.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

now is 12am! happy birthday mummy((:
oh yar. i shall post a photo of my outing last friday night at bugis!(:whee. love them to bits(: we look so pretty in the photo. lalala(:

this is another one that i took(:look at the SUPER cute big-head daisy behind!!haha. and in the photo, are victor, charles, yuling and vann.

the past 2 days i went to bowen and was half an hour early for both days. haha.kelun was kinda surprised that i was so early. anyway, they improved quite a bit during yesterday's practice, compared to thursday's. and thanks kelun for sending me to tamp and back to sch!(: seriously, i was expecting myself to take bus but no, i got a lift!(: thx. this week, many many blessings came.Lord, i thank You(:

malacca trip in 2 gonna room with eunice and olivia. because my room mate, oh well, long story(:
yupyup. get well soon jilly, everybody misses you. especially your lovely sops!(: especially me.haha.kidding(: by the time we come back from malacca, you must we well okay(:lovelove(:

overnight not me (:

choir in the morning, 9.45am at cc. dont be late!(: cya.