Friday, December 15, 2006

hey guys(: last night i was really really tired due to the rehearsal and we ended up standing for a long time.everyone was tired i guess. we took lots of photos! with westlife poster, fei yu qing poster. LOL. i like the photo that i took w olivia, louis and zhiyi(: i'll post it here soon, most probably after i'm back. ning's off to bintan, i'm looking forward to see her EVEN TAN! lol. this holiday was packed with choir pracs. -shakes head.

tonight is thenight. all the best everyone. sadly, there'll be no transport back to school. hah.oh well.
lunch at 445 later!(: YUPPIES. alrights. i gtg now, need to continue packing my bag. i may blog when i'm over there, so stay tune!(: