some of the photos that i took (:subway offer!(:and i ate it with a wonderful girl(:
our combined green stationary but we decided to take one of the pens out because it look out of place. yea. and here's the boy who smiled at me so sweetly(: jinyew's beanny. oh yar! i met up with adlin too(: it was really really great((: n here's her rubik's cube. adlin n me(: on wednesday after maths, i studied phy mcq tog with didi. having sat at the same place for 7 hours. it was quite productive. we even took small breaks(: mac's ceiling. n i met my mum for dinner at dingtaifeng.after which was shopping for dress.(: so here's a new dress. and thursday met the girls again(:thanks for your treat adlin((:
okay. here's the 31st july photo!((: apparently we were born on the same date but just different year(:though im the older one but she's about 10cm taller=x on friday morning while i was studying chem at the dining table. this is the ipod stereo.(: lucas was sleeping soundly beside me.(:SATURDAY!(: before cgm, i met yuling for lunch(: pretty dresses oh yar. bump into vann at ljs@central too. aww. miss that girl so so much.(:
anyway common test has officially ended and the next big thing is prelims. As in 4 months - 1 day!!time will really fly. got to really balance well.
falling at your feet, as my whole world fades away