Yes, I still have not uploaded the most recent photos yet but will do so soon, probably by end of this week.
Well, school has started this week and so far everything is going well. Just want to thank God for placing my friends back to the same group of lecture as me(: I was really happy when I saw them on Monday because I thought that i'll be going to the lecture all alone and have to sit with unfamiliar people. In the end, I saw Crystal, Ryan and Allison, also Jye Ying (who prefers to be addressed by her surname-Sam). The journey to school is squeezey!!! Especially if I need to be in school by 9am, it's hard to get a seat.
Lecturers are captivating. hahaha. I mean I can pay attention and not fall asleep even though I yawned before the start of the class as well as after the class has ended.Oh, not forgetting break time I was yawning. I really like angmo lecturer(: I think they look good. Due to the aussie accent, focus is needed.
I bump into Kai Yun! My SAC choir senior. This means that not only do we get to see each other more often ( we were very close back in secondary school), have lunch together and I get to buy second hand books from her. Even though she's not doing the same course as me, there are some books that are the same. (: YAY!
Crystal talked about Wall-E at the MRT station and all of us got so excited. hahaha. I wonder if 4 of us will watch that show together(:
Alright! Time to snooze!(: Girl Power GO!(: