just completed my resume, so thought of updating my blog!(: I was packing one of my cupboards the other day and came across a lot of things, like letters, old stuffed toys, games that i dont play, a complete collection of macdonald's snoopy.
2nd of jan went out with my 2 darlings(: it's the official first day of school and decided to spend it with them(:
thanks for being with me through thick and thin these years, i've never regret knowing you all(:
Saturday went Carrefour with joseph, zoe and jamie to buy the stuff for steamboat.this is joseph, with bags of food. haha.
back at joseph's place, jamie and zoe preparing the meat.
celebrity of the day!(: wendy!
it was just before the steamboat, we have hong xiu, wendy, kelvin and charles.
jamie, jonathan (whom we haven't seen for weeks) and elicia.
adeline and terence. in front of the screen we have yong quan and i think lewen/?
steamboat was fun(: i was one of the maria-s preparing the meat. the fish smell was overwhelming. haha. I've learnt that preparing a dish is not so easy after all. But of course, spending the night with them was great, just that i had to leave and couldn't stay longer because i have a curfew.
heading to library tomorrow!(:
Lord, i pray that i will get the job.
2nd of jan went out with my 2 darlings(: it's the official first day of school and decided to spend it with them(:
Saturday went Carrefour with joseph, zoe and jamie to buy the stuff for steamboat.this is joseph, with bags of food. haha.
heading to library tomorrow!(:
Lord, i pray that i will get the job.