cellgroup was different from the norm (there was no sermon)! we really took time to worship our God.
Zoe got us to prophesy over our own lives, it was really powerful and then after we speak into our own lives, she ministered to us.
here's what i prophesied...
i see my talent blooming
i see myself as a keyboardist
i see myself writing more songs
i see myself relying more on God
i see myself gaining wisdom from the Lord
i see myself excelling in school, getting those distinctions
i see relationships being restored
i see a happy marriage in the future
i see a happy family
i see success
i see myself facing challenges with a smile
i see myself having the joy of the Lord with me...
it was really powerful because moments before i started speaking, i felt this urge from within me, the familiar 'knock' from within that i know that it's God. i took a deep breath and started speaking, the presence of God was so strong that i was actually shaking. Zoe ministered to me for me to receive the power of God coming into my life, for me to use my giftings.. what Zoe said at the end was true, that when we begin to speak and claim the blessings from God, the holy spirit will 'ride' on the words that we speak, anointing it and directing our lives to THAT direction in which we have spoken. I'm excited to see many of our lives change!
Janet said 'byebye keyboardist! (: ' when i said bye to everyone, she made my day (:
First lesson of AWD1 later in the morning! i REALLY can't wait to see what's in stored for me! It's touch of heaven in the evening too! Bestie vann and I will be having our debut performance (an original composition), there will be many other wonderful performances too! So come and support us! And yes, thanks Jael for agreeing to come n support us for the event(:
and... thanks dear for lending me Guerrilla Marketing! :D