hello!(: hmmm. how's everybody doing? 06s12! hah. the first day the guys and the girls were separated but it's a little better now. and i like my physics tutor!!(: he's so funny. today when he was going through the tutorial questions, i didn't understand how he got the fractional change so i asked him. and he was teaching me halfway he got lost and he said "eh. hah. wrong alr. sorry." lol. he's mr kuah. hmm. nice people in 06s12! (:
during gp today, each one of us is suppose to come up with a 2 minute speech.and my topic was "cats and not dogs are man's best friends". I managed to come up with some rubbish. haha. it went quite alright. OH!! a girl transferred to our class today!(:
lunch with far, duc and james. then off to sectionals! i got to really work hard for choir, okay, not only choir but studies as well. yups. dixon smiled at me once again. lol. getting a smile from someone is a blessing(: i made some good friends in choir, like ummm. joanne, juliana, dixon, henry, eunice, cheryl, chee kian, duc, see kiat(not sure if that's how you spell it), kee siang, olivia, celine,hazel and others as well. (:
thurs tmr. and i'll be wearing my new uniform!!(: whee.
alrights, take care all.
when you smile, you are actually blessing the person that you are smiling at(: