Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Heys. Please please please do your very very best on friday okay?You all have to grab hold of this opportunity to really prove to him. We cannot afford to lose him at all.alright darlings? I'll be praying for all of you.Remember ya?

My productivity is very low today.ahhh.=( i went out to ask him emaths, went home and finished off that chapter of ss. that's all i did today. -frowns. It's now down to 5 days, I can even count it with one hand.I think after I log off I'll get myself to do some emaths./=

I'm thinking of popping by tomorrow to see how they are doing. Should i? Or should I just locked myself in my room and face the books that I have to study? I really really want to see them. I miss them very badly.
